Sunday, June 23, 2013

Junebook 23: Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell

Boy, was it a process to finish this book. It is an epic of sorts. But I felt so accomplished after finishing it.

It is basically a story of Scarlett O'Hara's life as she grew up in the South during the American Civil War. There's romance, action, and just a little bit of everything (with that many pages, it makes sense). 

Normally, I don't like these kinds of books (um, Great Expectations = yawn) but this was actually really interesting. Maybe because the main character was a girl? Just "watching" her grow up and change and was touching in a way.

The characters are all painted so vividly and have such depth. Not just Scarlett, but her mother, Ellen, Rhett Butler, Melanie, and even minor characters that just make an appearance but either die or disappear from the main story.

It is really a great read, though hard to get through. I will admit, sometimes, it is slow going, but maybe that's just me.

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